Features of Ideal

Contact management - Lead management - Sales forecasting - Pipeline management Workflow automation

No Review Gatekeeping

how your organization handles information requests and how you ensure that information is reviewed and disseminated in a timely manner.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) that includes the integration of messages from a variety of platforms like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Email, and Slack

Improve Search Ranking

Create high-quality content that's relevant to your intended users. This can increase page traffic and improve your page's authority and relevance.

Manage + Respond

Email Response Management System (ERMS) software is a vital tool for businesses aiming to manage and organize their inbound and outbound emails effectively. This software streamlines email communication processes, enhances response times, and improves overall customer satisfaction.

Analyze Impact

a process to understand the potential consequences of changes in a project, system, or process before making decisions. It helps you evaluate the effects these changes could have, allowing you to prepare or adjust accordingly

Reputation Management

the practice of influencing stakeholder perceptions and public conversations about an organization and its brands. It includes monitoring perceptions and conversations, responding to reputation threats and proactively seizing opportunities to boost reputation

Monitoring Perceptions

self-report measures: magnitude estimation, magnitude production, method of adjustment, forced choice, and Likert scale reporting

Monitoring Conversions

offers a better understanding of the campaign performance for future optimization.

Don’t Let One Star Reviews Rule

Rule of thumb, never reply to feedbacks unless you want it locked ... Don't let it get you down, they both come across as mildly stupid

Success Stories

Hey Don't Take Our Words For It Hear From Our Client:

We love our fans and crafty friends! See what some of them have to say about us! We take our work seriously and want you to be happy

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Tools And Features All One Place.

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Feature 2

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Feature 4

Feature 5

Feature 6

Feature 7

Feature 8

Feature 9

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